JuliaCon 2024 Schedule is Now Out!

JuliaCon 2024 Draft Schedule is now out!

Head to Schedule on PreTalx , or click here for the rest of the announcement and Important FAQs!


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We’re excited to announce the release of the draft schedule for JuliaCon 2024. Note that this is just a draft, some talks may change as required. In addition the poster session and some blocks of lightning talks are likely to be rescheduled as we approach the conference.

As a reminder, all speakers must have a ticket in order to speak at the conference.

1 Day tickets are now available

If you can only join us for 1 day there are now 1 day tickets available! Check them out here!


  1. I will not be available for my talk as scheduled, what should I do? Please email us at juliacon@julialang.org with your specific time constraints. If you are unable to make it to the conference at all please withdraw your talk on PreTalx here.

  2. Why is my lightning talk scheduled at 8AM? There is a block of lightning talks on the schedule at 8AM on Friday. These will likely be shuffled into other slots as they become available.

  3. Where is my talk / workshop? The schedule has quite a few rooms, including those for workshops at TU/Eindhoven on Tuesday. Be sure you scroll all the way to the right to see all the rooms.

  4. My talk is scheduled at the same time as another similar / interesting talk! Scheduling is a (often NP-)hard problem! If you think there’s a serious issue with conflicting schedules let us know (for instance two talks about the exact same topic). But be aware that many other constraints including room availability, large mandatory blocks like mini symposia, and speaker time availabilities greatly impact the schedule. Our team also doesn’t know the full content of each talk!