Recently my package’s nightly build on travis started to break.
// i.e. not my release builds, they still pass
I checked the logs and it seems to be because they now run v0.7
of Julia.
What’s the best way to prevent this?
- do I change something in my
- do I edit my
What if you have Documenter.jl hooked up to tests passing?
You can specify which OS / Julia version will be the one to run the Documenter build.
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Just set Documenter to use release for building. Honestly, that should be the default IMO
Is there a way in Travis to not say the whole build failed though?
Like I want a green checkmark on github.
Right now, this prevents other addons (like codecov) from displaying if a build fails.
See what I already linked above for how to ignore failures.
Sorry, got buried. Thanks man.
// added this code to .travis.yml:
- julia: nightly
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