Julia user meetup in Trondheim?

Hey. Thanks for so many ideas :smiley: .

Following the nice markdown docs you set up, I think that holding the presentations at NTNU and then moving to the town for having a drink or something would be great. Since there shouldn’t be so many people outside NTNU, the locked doors is something manageable. I will share this link with some Julia users and colleagues around at sintef for them to present something. Can I prepare some visual announcement for it, like a flyer?

Oh yes, sure! I am by far no expert in flyers and designs.
Please give me a few flyers than es well than I can promote it a bit here at the department as well :slight_smile:

Let me know when I can help with something.

Hey rony,

Thanks for your answer. I can draft a meetup flyer. It would be important to have a list of talks. I could talk in 15 min, also you? Anyone else from you dept. Would be interested to talk?

I am getting confirmation from people at sintef to participate as well.

You, Chris, me, SINTEF would make enough material to make a flyer and call people.



Yes I could also do 15 minutes, just that since this is during the semester the precise day would be neat to know – since with teaching and supervision I am not 100% free.

We could also ask @mateuszbaran whether he has something to talk about, since he is also here


About the time. I think that avoiding working hours is the best way to handle conflict with people’s schedule. Maybe holding it on Friday at 15:45 and having informal presentations could be a good way of doing it. How does it sound?

There’s a room in K4 at second floor that accommodate about 30 people with a projector. We usually do after-work gathering there on Fridays.

Do we all have access there? If so then sure.

Friday sounds good to me.

There is the door locking problem for people without a NTNU card, but I can put my number in the flyer. People can just call or text and I can open the door.

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Sure, I can give a short talk too. Friday evening sounds good.


Hey Folks,

Since we couldn’t find the perfect spot for both presentations and chatting, we’ve decided to keep things simple and go for an informal social gathering instead! :smile:

To help us book a table at a bar in the city center, we’ve prepared a quick form for you to fill out. Let us know if you’re joining, and we’ll make sure to reserve enough space for everyone!

Looking forward to seeing you there!


I created a dedicated thread for announcements of monthly meetings in Trondheim at Julia User Group Trondheim: Monthly Meeting

where we can also always announce a talk for the next meeting (discussed at the end of a current one).