Julia stopped working. I came back ot my computer today (it was fine yesterday), and now it won’t start in vscode (latest version on ubuntu 24.04). I tried in terminal but get this:
loman@famous-fred:~$ julia
Error: The Julia launcher failed to load a configuration file.
Caused by:
0: Failed to parse self configuration file '"/home/loman/.juliaup/juliaupself.json"' for reading.
1: control character (\u0000-\u001F) found while parsing a string at line 6 column 0
I open my “/home/loman/.juliaup/juliaupself.json” file and it looks like this:
Maybe a comma after the date string. Also, the error message says there’s a control character in there. Try removing all trailing characters after the date string and typing in the comma, double quote, newline, and close curly bracket. Or restoring from backup.
I was first surprised by this name, since my config file (ok on MacOS) is just juliaup.json and also in .Julia/juliaup/.
Then I found this issue
which is maybe related to your problem? They recommend to install from the original homepage (and not via e.g. apt-get from Ubuntu). Maybe reinstalling as recommended there might help?
Unfortunately I do not have sudo access on my machine, so have limited ability to change installations, but I will forward this to IT to see if they can use it. Thanks!