The code is below, reproduced from this post:
using ArnoldiMethod, LinearAlgebra, LinearMaps
PQ = P*Q
# Factorizes A and builds a linear map that applies inv(A) to a vector.
function construct_linear_map(A)
F = factorize(A - ev*I)
LinearMap{eltype(A)}((y, x) -> ldiv!(y, F, x), size(A,1), ismutating=true)
function rerun_ArnoldiMethod(n=1, PQ=PQ)
Threads.nthreads() == n || error("Restart Julia with -t$n")
println("ArnoldiMethod $n Threads:")
@time begin
decomp, history = partialschur(construct_linear_map(PQ), nev=NMODES, tol=1e-14, restarts=300, which=LM())
D2, Exy = partialeigen(decomp)
D2 = inv.(D2) .+ ev
@show D2
I’m sorry but I don’t have the time to dig up and test the code to recreate the matrix right now. As stated in my original post in that thread, the matrix PQ
is a sparse, nonsymmetric, Float64 matrix of order 65274 with 1103319 stored entries.
is a scalar with value -12.25