Hi All,
have you tried to control the experiments (data acquisition and instrument control) in laboratory using https://github.com/JaneliaSciComp/NIDAQ.jl together with some GUI interface? We would like to move from Labview to julia.
Is there any labview-like graphic programming tool for GUI interface for julia?
I would like to combine NIDAQ.jl with some modern web based technology like Stipple https://github.com/GenieFramework/Stipple.jl
I have been converting much of our data acquisition software to Julia. I have written packages for acquiring pressure scanners:
To provide a somewhat common interface, I am developping the package AbstractDAQs https://github.com/pjsjipt/AbstractDAQs.jl.
In this abstract interface I am working on interfaces for saving data and configuration. I am also writing (for now very minimalist) a wrapper for NIDAQ.jl (https://github.com/pjsjipt/DAQnidaqmx.jl) using the interface given by AbstractDAQs.jl
I am also developing a package AbstractActuators.jl https://github.com/pjsjipt/AbstractActuators.jl that deals with output - Controlling a positioning system, and stuff like that. It is kind of messy and geared towards the systems we have.
This is all ongoing work but my intention is to write a generic interface for controlling experiments and a GUI. Still not sure what framework I am going to use but I was thinking about Gtk.jl
As I said I am in the process of writing and testing much of this. Very little documentation for now but this should change in the next few weeks.
I hope this helps