GUI options for Julia?

I have a Julia project that I currently execute in REPL. It takes input from the user dynamically and saves stuff (figures, files). Although REPL is good for testing phase, I eventually plan to have a better interface for the user to interact with. Does there exist GUI packages in Julia that can help in this case? If not, what are my options – I am not looking to move my code base to another language but if there is an option to link my code base to some external GUI package that is fine too. The GUI will be local to a machine (basically I don’t host it anywhere).

Any help/pointers in this regard are appreciated. Thanks!

Just some pointers, no exhaustive list.
Makie has the options for buttons and similar, which was sufficient for my needs for simple guis.
Mousetrap seems to be the most recent addition to guis.
For webapps (which may be hosted locally), there is also Genie.

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You can use Dear ImGui bindings packaged in CImGui.jl.

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It looks complex, but I will give it a try. :sweat_smile:

Thanks! Mousetrap might work for my case. I will check it out!

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GitHub - JuliaGraphics/QML.jl: Build Qt6 QML interfaces for Julia programs. would be my choice…

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See also this thread What are the ways to make GUI in Julia (review wanted)

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