Julia can only run as root--- why

Hi, after some time I wanted to do something in Julia again, how ever I observe the following error when I start julia as normal user;

ERROR: Unable to load dependent library /home/matfi/.julia/julia-1.11.2/bin/../lib/julia/libjulia-codegen.so.1.11
Message:/home/matfi/.julia/julia-1.11.2/bin/../lib/julia/libjulia-codegen.so.1.11: undefined symbol: _ZN4llvm16JITEventListener27createIntelJITEventListenerEv, version JL_LLVM_16.

I can run Julia as root without any issues. Any hint on where the problem could be located (the mentioned paths are readable to the user)

found the solution: there was JULIA_LOAD_PATH set to /usr/share/gmsh/api/julia
after removing the gmsh package everything runs smoothly now. Must have been a leftover from earlier times. Closed for me, sry for the noise!

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