How did you install Julia? Which version of Julia are you using?
Best way is is to use juliaup because it also sets up the paths for VSCode automatically.
Are you working with local environments? If yes, what is in your environment?
What is the output of:
julia --project
using Pkg
Finally, which version of the Julia extension of VSCode are you using?
Also try clicking on the Julia: Starting Language Server in the status bar, which should take you to the “Output” panel. There might be some error messages in there (or you may just need to be patient).
woah! I don’t want any environments in the first place. How do I exit it???
Also, I just updated Julia by downloading the latest version from the site, installing it in my software folder, updating the executable path in VSCode and adding Julia to path. Still not working
I’d suggest down-grading to the last release of the extension, not the pre-release (there’s a bug in there that messes up the environment path, as you can tell by the superfluous " in there).
how to I click it? I can’t! I can only click the environment thingy which opens the command pannel like thing, asking me to choose another folder (another environment) but again, I just wanna run the plain old Julia, which gives syntax highlighting, suggestions and autocompletion while working in VScode how do I do it??? pleaseee helpppppppp
Woah what? helpppp (I’m sorry I’m acting like a beginner… I mean I am … but idk… such a thing never happened before in like my past 2 years of programming. And I got an exam tomorrow so kinda stressed; just opened Julia to try an SDL package along with checking my answers for Matrix Multiplications xD and I get all this!)
Okay, I figured the problem somehow was, as @pfitzseb pointed out, the status of Julia’s language server. It was stuck on Julia: Starting Language Server. I reverted to a previous release (v1.60.2) after a fresh install of both Julia and VScode (idk if that was even necessary) but yeah, that seemed to fix it.
I have no idea why Julia’s build and test show ‘failing’ though.
On my student’s computer there is no autocomplete, and there is no “Julia Language Server” in the output tab, only “Julia”, “Julia Testserver” and “Julia Notebook Kernels”. It’s a newly installed VS Code with the Julia extension (Julia Tab works on the left) and juliaup.