I had been running JuliaPro 1.2 in Atom 1.40.1 x64. I wanted to update to Julia 1.3 because I’m under the impression that it has more powerful multithreading.
I downloaded julia and installed the Windows 64-bit exe from the downloads page, and I added a path variable according to the instructions.
I can get it to run from the julia commmand window, but when I try typing “julia” into the normal command, it tells me
'julia' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
This isn’t a big issue, as I am working in Atom, but it is something I would like to understand and fix because I want to learn about system path variables.
In Atom, when I went to run julia, it ran JuliaPro 1.2, as it always has before. I tried changing the settings in Atom to run the new julia 1.3 by linking to it’s installation directory \bin\julia.exe. Now when I run julia in Atom, it does tell me it’s using “Version 1.3.1,” but when I try to execute lines in my old project files, it tells me I need to install the TokenManager package. So I try to do that, but it says,
The following package names could not be resolved:
* TokenManager (not found in project, manifest or registry)
Please specify by known ‘name=uuid’.
and a pop up window tells me
LoadError: ArgumentError: Package TokenManager not found in current path:
- Run `import Pkg; Pkg.add("TokenManager")` to install the TokenManager package.
in expression starting at C:\JuliaPro-1.2.0-1\.atom\juno_startup.jl:1
require(::Module, ::Symbol) at loading.jl:887
include at boot.jl:328 [inlined]
include_relative(::Module, ::String) at loading.jl:1105
include(::Module, ::String) at Base.jl:31
include(::String) at client.jl:424
(::var"#5#8")(::String) at boot_repl.jl:60
handlemsg(::String, ::String) at comm.jl:164
(::Atom.var"#19#21"{Array{Any,1}})() at task.jl:333
After this, I tried updating Atom to 1.43.0, updated all my packages, and had the uber-juno package in atom reinstall all of the julia things (like REPL).
I still get an issue whenever I try to start julia in atom that it’s missing the Token Manager. It doesn’t seem to make anything crash though. I can close this popup window and still run lines of code. But why does it say it’s looking in expressions in JuliaPro-1.2.0-1?
It also seems that all of my packages need to be reinstalled since updating to Julia 1.3.1. Is this right or did I do something wrong with installation?