Dear all,
I have Installed the package DifferentialEquations.
However, when I run using DifferentialEquations an enormous problem apperars: see below.
Failed to precompile DifferentialEquations [0c46a032-eb83-5123-abaf-570d42b7fbaa] to C:\Users\Usuário\.julia\compiled\v1.5\DifferentialEquations\UQdwS_cfyDf.ji.
in at base\task.jl:356
in macro expansion at Atom\MxsDb\src\eval.jl:41
in invokelatest at base\essentials.jl:709
in #invokelatest#1 at base\essentials.jl:710
in eval at Atom\MxsDb\src\eval.jl:114
in macro expansion at Media\ItEPc\src\dynamic.jl:24
in macro expansion at Atom\MxsDb\src\eval.jl:117
in hideprompt at Atom\MxsDb\src\repl.jl:127
in #200 at Atom\MxsDb\src\eval.jl:118
in with_logger at base\logging.jl:514
in at Atom\MxsDb\src\eval.jl:119
in withpath at Atom\MxsDb\src\eval.jl:9
in withpath at CodeTools\VsjEq\src\utils.jl:30
in at Atom\MxsDb\src\eval.jl:121
in include_string at Atom\MxsDb\src\utils.jl:286
Someone else reported recently that Chinese characters in the path cause this to fail on Windows, so it might be the case that unicode (e.g. “á” in “usuário”) is the problem.
You suggest I create a new folder to my user?
I this situation, I will need to format my computer, because it does not allow you to change the name Usuário in the path.
A similar thing happens in the ```gr()´´´ package.