Is Julia Forem unused?

If you click a listed article and scroll down, you can see some of spam articles under “Read next”, that’s really bad!

Right now, removing them is just possible via “unpublish”, it’s just too much clicks the clean up, right now. It’s annoying as f…, the rate of spam articles is quite high.

Please: back to what it was a few days or weeks ago: put the user into role spam, all articles of them are 404. Alternative: How to unpublish via API? I can’t get this to work.


I did some work and unpublished all spam articles now. The spamming users for each article were already suspended.
Some spam articles still appear in the “Read Next” section, perhaps this is a cache thing.

My new procedure for new spam articles is now:

  1. User into role “Suspended”, Note: Spam
  2. User into role “Spam”, Note: Spam
  3. Unpublish the article

I wrote a program for this to do the work supervised, of course in Julia :wink:
Hopefully we see less spam in future.