Intl' Workshop on Applied Verification of Continuous and Hybrid Systems Proceedings (2021)


Held on July (2021) in Brussels, Belgium, this year’s ARCH-COMP workshop was part of the 7th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems. For those who are interested on these topics, the proceedings are now publicly available! See ARCH21: Volume Information

Since 2018, several core contributors from the JuliaReach and JuliaIntervals communities have been participating in the ARCH-COMP friendly competition with our open-source Julia stack. Such event contains a set of verification benchmarks sent by academia and industry. The competition is also a way to connect with developers from other (non-Julia) orgs and push the frontier of this domain.

What’s new?

In 2021 for the first time we have participated in three categories: formal verification of linear and nonlinear (continuous and hybrid dynamical systems), as well as verification of neural network controlled systems (NNCS).

The NNCS work has been accepted in the 36th AAAI conference on Artificial Intelligence – we’re proud of this achievement as one of the coauthors developed part of such work during his Julia Seasons of Contributions (JSOC) scholarship, which stands as a proof of the high quality of the contributed work. You can check related slides here (presentation at the JuliaLab, 2021).

Want to get involved?

We will announce a bunch of JSOC/GSOC project ideas soon. Stay tuned! Subscribe to the reachability-analysis zulip channel for updated content.

Therere’s also JuliaReach & JuliaIntervals Days 3 which is taking place tomorrow (registration still open).

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