Installed last version of Julia and and Jupyter doesnt work because Kernel error

Hi i used to have the Julia version 1.0.5 but i read i must update the version for the most recent one in order to solve a package error, so i installed the last version and delete the older. But when i try tu use Jupyter notebook it shows that is still using the older version and it show Kernel error and i supose that is because that version is deleted of my computer.

May someone please help me tellling me how to setting the Jupyter notebook to run with the last version of Julia and to solve that Kernel error.

Thank you in advance.

Did you install the IJulia package in the new Julia version?

E.g. do you have an error when doing

]add IJulia


Previously after ]add IJulia, you will need to build it with ]build IJulia.

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Hi thank you i works!!! i build IJulia and then add and that solve my problem. Now i have the last version of Julia in my Jupyter notebook!!

I am also facing the same problem! Don’t know what to do!