Upgrade 0.6.2 -> 0.6.3, IJulia problem?

I just upgraded from Julia 0.6.2 to 0.6.3. Here is what I did:

  • uninstall Julia 0.6.2
  • install Julia 0.6.3
  • Pkg.update()

When I ran using IJulia + notebook() and opened a notebook, I got a Kernel error, and noticed that the kernel was listed as v. 0.6.2.

  • Is this the expected behavior?
  • Do I need to remove all packages and re-adding them?

I did do Pkg.rm("IJulia") and then added it again, and now the notebook works…

So… essentially, my question is:
Q: What is the expected action when upgrading Julia versions?

The process is slightly buried in the readme of iJulia.jl (I have to go and look it up everytime I upgrade!)

Essentially you just need to run
From the REPL of your new Julia (in this case 0.6.3) instance.


There’s also an installkernel function demoed in that README, that’s worth knowing about if you want to start Julia with any compiler flags:

IJulia.installkernel("Julia nodeps", "--depwarn=no")

Thanks for tip. I did Pkg.rm("IJulia") followed by Pkg.add("IJulia"), and that allowed me to start up IJulia with the correct kernel. I still do have problems running a notebook that used to work under Julia v. 0.6.2, so I tried to subsequently do Pkg.build("IJulia") – seemed to work, but there was an error message referring to kernel-spec or something; still the notebook started (but couldn’t execute as before; see separate thread).

At the menu on top of the notebook, did you try
Kernel → Change Kernel → [select 0.6.3]

Notebooks save which kernel you used, so it will open with what you used last time.

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