And when I start ImageView I receive the following alert:
using ImageView
Julia>using ImageView
[ Info: Precompiling ImageView [86fae568-95e7-573e-a6b2-d8a6b900c9ef]
┌ Warning: You are using Gtk on Windows which is currently not recommended. Your REPL/IDE and anything depending on task switches will become sluggish and much slower (up to ~85x slower).
└ @ Gtk C:\Users\hermesr\.julia\packages\Gtk\X7HfN\src\Gtk.jl:74
┌ Warning: You are using Gtk on Windows which is currently not recommended. Your REPL/IDE and anything depending on task switches will become sluggish and much slower (up to ~85x slower).
└ @ Gtk C:\Users\hermesr\.julia\packages\Gtk\X7HfN\src\Gtk.jl:74
┌ Warning: You are using Gtk on Windows which is currently not recommended. Your REPL/IDE and anything depending on task switches will become sluggish and much slower (up to ~85x slower).
You can use ImageView/Gtk on Windows, just be aware that it will likely slow Julia down (even your typing at the command line will sometimes lag). There have been some bandaids proposed if you search for them.
Search this forum for “windows gtk”. You can just ignore the warning and use ImageView as normal, being aware that you’ll want to restart Julia (without using ImageView) for serious computation.
Ok, but what should I do!
Install it apart from the current installation, to prevent the following alert that is read on the download site:
Nightly builds
These are bleeding-edge binaries of the latest version of Julia under development, which you can use to get a preview of the latest work. The nightly builds are for developer previews and **not intended for normal use. You can expect many packages not to work with this version. Most users are advised to use the latest official release version of Julia.
Then install and try the nightly build. Yeah, it’s a nightly version and maybe some packages does not work but you can just try it and see if it fixes this issue. Otherwise, as I said you’ll have to wait for 1.6 to get proper color support (you still need Windows Terminal or some other terminal emulator like cmder).
Now I have the the P {C three versions of Windows terminal.
The one that comes with windows 10,
Windows Terminal Version: 1.2.2381.0 and
Windows Terminal Preview v1.3.2382.0
How to know which one Julia is using and configure Julia to use the latest version?
How to make the latest version of Windows Terminal the one used by the default system?