(Human) Languages on the homepage

Do you have any other suggestion apart from removing the translations?

Not that it’s not an option, but please think about the work of all the people involved too (around 100 good willing folks from some 20 different languages) why they did it, and why they felt this is needed.

I think we can find a way to make this work, it’s just that I’m out of ideas for the time being.

For me it’s like saying that since Julia has issues too, why not better remove the repository and move on, at least for me, that is not an option, but this clearly is a community effort and I’m OK if the community thinks it’s not a good idea to keep the translations effort anymore.

I could continue to do the Spanish translations as a separate project independent from Julia itself, since I want to teach Julia to Spanish speakers too in Spanish, which is why I started the project. And I’m sure others would do so as well on their own for their own languages and their own purposes, as it was before this project anyway.

I hope the discussion with the Transifex staff can recommend some other options, thanks for stating your opinion.

The other idea I have it to pay for professional translations, with my new job, this is becoming a new possibility for me (at least for the Spanish translations), but I wonder if we can make a case for having a small amount of monies from the funds that donate to Julia, so it can be destined for this purpose at some point.

I want to also state that before this, I had zero experience with this kind of stuff.

The idea is that for example, if the Spanish translations are near 100% completion at some point, then it will be easy to keep updated, given there are many people willing to translate.

I will ask for a quotation for Spanish translations to the Transifex team, and report back.

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