How to use Pardiso with single-precision matrices

I would like to ask if it is possible to run Pardiso from the LinearSolve library using single precision matrices. I am running

using SparseArrays, LinearSolve, MKL, Pardiso
prob = LinearProblem(A, b)
sol = LinearSolve.solve(prob, MKLPardisoFactorize())

and I get

ERROR: MethodError: no method matching pardiso(::MKLPardisoSolver, ::SparseMatrixCSC{ComplexF32, Int64}, ::Vector{ComplexF32})

Closest candidates are:
  pardiso(::Pardiso.AbstractPardisoSolver, ::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv, Ti}, ::StridedVecOrMat{Tv}) where {Ti, Tv<:Union{Float64, ComplexF64}}
   @ Pardiso ~/.julia/packages/Pardiso/z4YUw/src/Pardiso.jl:367
   @ Pardiso ~/.julia/packages/Pardiso/z4YUw/src/Pardiso.jl:366
  pardiso(::Pardiso.AbstractPardisoSolver, ::StridedVecOrMat{Tv}, ::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv, Ti}, ::StridedVecOrMat{Tv}) where {Ti, Tv<:Union{Float64, ComplexF64}}
   @ Pardiso ~/.julia/packages/Pardiso/z4YUw/src/Pardiso.jl:341

 [1] solve!(cache::LinearSolve.LinearCache{…}, alg::PardisoJL{…}; kwargs::@Kwargs{})
   @ LinearSolvePardisoExt ~/.julia/packages/LinearSolve/WDeMC/ext/LinearSolvePardisoExt.jl:137
 [2] solve!(cache::LinearSolve.LinearCache{…}, alg::PardisoJL{…})
   @ LinearSolvePardisoExt ~/.julia/packages/LinearSolve/WDeMC/ext/LinearSolvePardisoExt.jl:131
 [3] solve!(::LinearSolve.LinearCache{…}; kwargs::@Kwargs{})
   @ LinearSolve ~/.julia/packages/LinearSolve/WDeMC/src/common.jl:269
 [4] solve!(::LinearSolve.LinearCache{…})
   @ LinearSolve ~/.julia/packages/LinearSolve/WDeMC/src/common.jl:268
 [5] solve(::LinearProblem{…}, ::PardisoJL{…}; kwargs::@Kwargs{})
   @ LinearSolve ~/.julia/packages/LinearSolve/WDeMC/src/common.jl:265
 [6] solve(::LinearProblem{…}, ::PardisoJL{…})
   @ LinearSolve ~/.julia/packages/LinearSolve/WDeMC/src/common.jl:263
 [7] top-level scope
   @ ~/Desktop/LinearSystem_GiulioD/forced_response.jl:11
Some type information was truncated. Use `show(err)` to see complete types.

In the case of PanuaPardiso you still need to pass in the matrix in double precision even if the factorization is done in single precision. I thought the same was the case for MKLPardiso, but having looked at ‘iparm[27]’ in the oneMKL documentation it seems as it is not the case. As such I have a feeling that the single precision precision feature of MKLPardiso is simply not exposed.

Can you please make an issue with an MWE on Pardiso.jl?

Sure, I will make a MWE. By the way, what parameter do you need to pass to PanuaPardiso if you want the factorization to be done in single precision? Can you do it using LinearSolve or do I have to use the API of Pardiso.jl?

I do not know how to pass parameters to LinearSolve.jl. In Pardiso.jl you should change iparm by using the set_iparm function. For PanuaPardiso it should be iparm(29) that is of interest to you (see - but I am fairly certain that this only changes the factorization to single precision, meaning that the input matrix still has to be given in double precision.

In LinearSolve, you should be able to pass the iparm data
in the constructor:

However, this appears to be not well tested. A good MWE might be helpful here.

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Thank you for the answer. But I just discovered that Panua is not free and will not suit my needs. I’ll have to wait if the MKL Pardiso gets fixed for single-precision in Julia, since I tried to “hack” the library locally but I do not have the experience with it to make it work.

Thank you very much for the help, though.