How to save plotly to png and is it possible to save to LaTe?
Thank you.
How to save plotly to png and is it possible to save to LaTe?
Thank you.
Plotly generates javascript for interactive plots not static image like png.
Most simply, you can try this:
using Plots
p = plot(sin)
savefig(p, "p") # generates p.html file.
and push the camera button in the hovering toolbar to save the plot as a .png image file.
There are several other ways to produce plotly plots using Julia:
Unfortunately, it’s not png file
open up p.html file and push the camera button in the hovering toolbar to save the plot as a .png image file.
Thank you.
But I don’t know how to push the button from Julia. It’s joke. :).
I mean, how to save to png from Julia.
PlotlyJS’s docs suggests to use the ORCA.jl package
äter I downloaded the package all I need to do is to save fig ?