where all elements are visible within a little scrollable window.
Essentially, I just want to skip clicking the “⋮ more” button until all of the rows are displayed and just have it already there when the DataFrame is displayed.
I’ve looked into some solutions about setting the COLUMNS and ROWS environment variables, and about using WithIOContext from PlutoUI.jl, but that doesn’t really provide the results I want. A MWE is given as follows (Manifest omitted for brevity):
There are several ways to do this. My personal favorite is naturally this tiny package that I wrote:
You can either dump the whole table or have rows dynamically shuffled from julia for very large tables, and if you use the showtable function directly you the returned value is an observable you can @bind to get the selected rows.
It’s not in the repos but you can add it directly with the above url.
Alternatively i think you can set some parameter to control how large it can get before getting folded. i forgot where right now, but the code that register overrides on the pluto side should have the answer.
Another alternative would be to use eg htl package to directly construct the html for a table from the dataframe, which should be rather simple since the values should just interpolate.
An even quicker & dirtier solution would be to either directly print or @info the df.
Personally i just use my package above and see nice tables with selectable rows.