How to list names of functions in a script file using Pluto?

Hi all,
I have a file named functions.jl which I import into a Pluto notebook using

I want to list all the function names in the functions file, what is the best practice to do it?

Thank you !

Files do not correspond to an organisational structure in Julia and is purely up to the programmer.
Put the functions into a module, e.g. like

module MyFunctions
using .MyFunctions

then you can query like MyFunctions.<autocomplete shows possible functions>.
Just written like this, you accessing the functions requires the full qualification with the module’s name. Use export functionname to remove the need for qualification.


Thank you, just so I can completely understand, the snippet you show goes into the notebook right? and Then whenever I use one of the functions from the file I need to type MyFunctions.<function name> ?

Yes that’s one way.
Preferrably you’d make the file itself a module:
In scripts/functions.jl:

module MyFunctions
# export foo, bar # optionally export some names

In the notebook:

    using .MyFuncions

Then you can:

  • use the exported functions directly
  • find all functions with MyFunctions.<Tab>
  • use not exported functions with MyFunctions.notexported()
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Great answer! Thank you so much!