How to deploy my Pluto notebook to github?

Is it possible to share my pluto notebook(which include PlutoUI, SymPy, Plots) by deploying to github, so that i can share it to my students? Thanks in advance.

What do you mean by “deploying to github”? Do you want anything special besides checking it in a repository? Do you want to have it rendered or what?

Thank you Giordano! What I mean is, I want to share my pluto notebook file(I call it Interpolation calculator) through github (because I search online that thru github you can build a webpage for free) so that I can share my work with my students (so that they can access it without the need to install julia), the problem is haven’t seen or search an information(I have seen one but its hard for me to follow the instruction) that tells that an interactive pluto (interactive means the PlutoUI widgets can be use) webpage can build or deploy to github, the information I have seen is only for static webpage. I hope you understand now. Sorry for my poor grammar (I’m from Philippines). Thank you very much again…


Sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but for this use case, you’re better off deploying a notebook to JuliaHub instead. Create a notebook in the Public folder and you’ll be able to share a links to notebooks you put there. They’ll be runnable too.



The easiest way to render a notebook in a non-interactive way on GitHub is GitHub - JuliaPluto/static-export-template: A template to automatically convert Pluto notebooks to an HTML website with GitHub Pages. Demo page:

Once you do that, readers will see a button on the top right corner which tells them how to run it locally or on Binder, which satisfies the “no Julia installation” criterion


I want to mention, I have never gotten this to work for any of the more complicated notebooks I have actually made. So it might be overselling it to say “and you can run it on Binder!”, though others have different experiences I am sure.


I was exploring as an alternative to Binder here:

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Thanks for the recommendation!

We should be launching our official public alpha this week, but it’s available for anyone to check out right now, although I would still expect bugs. With that, we plan on offering free unlimited static Pluto exports so should be a great option. Feel free to check out the in progress documentation Glass Notebook