I’m working on developing my first Julia package called FeatureEng
– for feature engineering – and I’m having trouble working with Documenter.jl
I have a github workflow that builds
the documentation with the following commands:
julia --project=docs -e '
using Pkg
julia --project=docs docs/make.jl
and the following in my docs/src/index.md
Modules = [FeatureEng]
but nothing is showing up and I’m getting the following warning message, saying that my docstrings aren’t being included in my docs:
[ Info: CheckDocument: running document checks.
┌ Warning: 13 docstrings not included in the manual:
│ FeatureEng.transformLog :: Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{T,Real}} where T<:(AbstractArray{var"#s19",N} where N where var"#s19"<:Number)
│ FeatureEng.transformRoot :: Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{T,Real}} where T<:(AbstractArray{var"#s19",N} where N where var"#s19"<:Number)
│ FeatureEng.encode_dummy :: Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{T,T,String}} where T<:AbstractArray
│ FeatureEng.encode_hash :: Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{T,Int32}, Tuple{T,Int32,String}} where T<:AbstractArray
│ FeatureEng.transformBoxCox :: Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{T,Real}} where T<:(AbstractArray{var"#s19",N} where N where var"#s19"<:Number)
│ FeatureEng.strp_datetimes :: Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{T,Union{String, Dates.DateFormat}}} where T<:(AbstractArray{var"#s19",N} where N where var"#s19"<:AbstractString)
│ FeatureEng.extract_time_features :: Tuple{T} where T<:(AbstractArray{var"#s20",N} where N where var"#s20"<:Union{Dates.DateTime, Dates.Time})
│ FeatureEng.get_month :: Tuple{T} where T<:(AbstractArray{var"#s20",N} where N where var"#s20"<:Union{Dates.Date, Dates.DateTime})
│ FeatureEng.encode_onehot :: Union{Tuple{T}, Tuple{T,T,String}} where T<:AbstractArray
│ FeatureEng.extract_datetime_features :: Tuple{T} where T<:(AbstractArray{var"#s20",N} where N where var"#s20"<:Dates.DateTime)
│ FeatureEng.extract_date_features :: Tuple{T} where T<:(AbstractArray{var"#s20",N} where N where var"#s20"<:Union{Dates.Date, Dates.DateTime})
│ FeatureEng.polynomial :: Union{Tuple{DataFrames.DataFrame}, Tuple{T}, Tuple{DataFrames.DataFrame,T}} where T<:Integer
│ FeatureEng.get_weekday :: Tuple{T} where T<:(AbstractArray{var"#s20",N} where N where var"#s20"<:Union{Dates.Date, Dates.DateTime})
│ These are docstrings in the checked modules (configured with the modules keyword)
│ that are not included in @docs or @autodocs blocks.
└ @ Documenter.DocChecks ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/FuXcO/src/DocChecks.jl:69
Additionally, Documenter.jl
isn’t creating versions other than dev
in my gh-pages
I’ve tried looking through Documenter.jl
’s docs, the julialang Documentation page, and comparing my repo with Example.jl for reference.
Here’s the link to my documentation:
What am I doing wrong? Any suggestions would be greatly appretiated.
Thanks in advance!