Documentation based on docstring, and deploy to juliahub

I made a Julia package LowLevelFEM and tried to make documentation for it. I used docstings in src file. docs/build/index.html was generated with Documenter julia package and @audodocs macro inside Now I want to publish the html documentation somewhere. It is not clear where: or Each of them is exists, but the former does not contain the docstrings from the source file, the latter is empty. After two days of trying I copied the make.jl and ci.yml files from other packages where doc pages were similar which I wanted. (e.g.,

I don’t understand why I can’t see the docs/build/index.html file on one of the sites (github or juliahub)? What have I done wrong?

Did you configure Github pages to point to the gh-pages branch?

The page does seem to be present.

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Did you configure Github pages to point to the gh-pages branch?

Thanks, that was missing.

Another tutorial that includes the documentation part: 11 - Developing Julia packages - Julia language: a concise tutorial

You host your documentation on github and then either on juliahub they make “another copy” of it, or you direcly instruct juliahub on where is your package documentation on github .