Having trouble to get julia 1.5.3 setup in my students windows computers. It seems

Having trouble to get julia 1.5.3 setup in my students windows computers. It seems like the General registry is not added with the installation? Moreoever, when one tries ] registry add General they get ERROR: SystemError: opening file "C:\\Users\\firstname lastname\\.julia\\registries\\General\\Registry.toml": No such file or directory Anybody has experienced something similar?

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This is the solution:

using Pkg
rm(joinpath(DEPOT_PATH[1], "registries", "General"); force=true, recursive=true)
withenv("JULIA_PKG_SERVER"=>") do

basically we remove all traces of the general registry from the disk, and then readd it while disabling the pkg server temporarily (which causes the registry to be fetched from git instead).

Apparently the error is due to some problems with Windows’s unpacking of tarballs. Using git helps.

Please consider using the Chocolatey package manager - I use Windows 10 on my laptop and it has been invaluable. Every Julia installation ahs been faultless.