I watched movie about installation Julia and nteract (julia academy). After typing a command “add IJulia” Julia gives information about problems (see attached pictures). Connection with nteract does not work too (last attached picture). Could you help me please. Kind Regards. Slawek Kwiecien
Can you check if this thread
contains a solution for you?
Hello @Slawomir_Kwiecien I cannot fix your problem directly. However I always give this advice for instlaling Julia on Windows. Use the Chocolatey package manager. It really does make installs and upgrades very easy
@johnh thanks. I will try. How do you think - after installing Chocataley, have I install once more Julia or just try “add IJulia”?
I expect that the problem stays the same as it is an outdated powershell/windows with outdated encryption (SSL1,TLS1) as default (I guess that) used for downloading packages which fails.
See installation instructions for Windows. You probably need the “easy fix” from that page.
Great, that this problem is mentioned in the installation doc. I hope I remember the next time this issue pops up.
Thanks a lot. OK. I installed Windows Framework 3.0 and Powershell 3.0. Now I think it’s work:
But when I open nteract there is no julia in runtime?
@Slawomir_Kwiecien Apology for not replying sooner. I Was unwell yesterday. I am glasd you have fixed the problem.
May we ask what you are trying to achieve with nteract?
Have you looked at the excellent Pluto notebooks?
Well, I’m spring chicken in that kind of software, so I try to install and make the same like in tutorial. There were information about conection Julia with nteract, so I tried to do that. So I will try to see Pluto :). Thanks for that idea!
@johnh Pluto works :). Thanks a lot!