GSoC Admin Team Announcement!

:julia: GSoC Annoucement! :julia:

Join me in welcoming @Azzaare (Jean-François Baffier), Anant Thazhemadam, and @xlxs4 to the Julia Google Summer of Code (GSoC) Admin Team! :rocket: :smile: They courageously volunteered to help strengthen the Julia community’s commitment to GSoC and as new members of the admin team, they’ll be helping with:

:calendar: Organizing engaging events to welcome and support GSoC participants and mentors during proposal writing and project work periods

:handshake: Connecting past and future mentors to mentees (and vice-versa)

:ring_buoy: Providing support during the proposal phase and project period

:mega: Sharing GSoC announcements for mentors and mentees about deadlines, projects, and all things GSoC

@avik and I will remain the official Julia GSoC Co-Admins this year but we are thrilled to have Jean-François, Anant, and Orestis on the admin team! You’ll be hearing from us all in the upcoming weeks and months leading up to GSoC to ensure a fantastic GSoC 2025 :guitar: :julia: :zap:

If you’re interested in getting involved as a volunteer or have ideas to share, don’t hesitate to reach out. Let’s make this GSoC season the best yet!


@TheCedarPrince on behalf of the JSoC team :deciduous_tree:


Hi @TheCedarPrince! I’d like to be a mentor but I’m not sure I understand the pipeline: is there nothing to do except describe project ideas on Projects, and then students will apply and you’ll assign them to mentors?


Not Jacob, but IME from the past few years:

Generally, project ideas were expected to come with a list of potential mentors. I believe this ensures that projects which students apply to can be mentored if those applications are successful. Otherwise it wouldn’t be fair to students who put in the time to create an application + do any prereq work to qualify.

Another thing is that many (most?) projects list multiple mentors. In practice, there are only one or two mentors actually working on a project, and there is a large amount of co-mentoring. e.g. I don’t have bandwidth to supervise a project, but I can advise on or act as a backup mentor for yours. Or both of us are primary mentors on separate projects, but we act as co-mentors for the other project.

Hi @gdalle!

As @ToucheSir correctly mentions, you will need to list the potential mentors for the project along with the project details. This would allow interested students to reach out to mentors ahead of time to discuss more details about the project and often invites early contributions, before GSoC season even officially starts!

For more information on being a GSoC/JSoC mentor with JuliaLang, please also see GSoC/JSoC Mentors.