I have a minimal working example for this. I put the data here.
Does anyone know what is happening?
using Plots,JLD
gg, e, tt = JLD.load("example-issue-plot.jld", "gg", "e", "tt")
sub = 100
time = tt[1:sub:end]
v = e[2:end] |> collect
z = gg[1:sub:end,:]
heatmap(time,v,z' ,title=string("g(t,v) network for N =10000"))
Can you plot something similar but easily replicable with known appearance? Like u(x,y) = (1-y^2) \sin(x + ky) for some small k over x,y \in [0, n\pi] \times [-1, 1]?
using Plots, JLD
gg, e, tt = JLD.load("example-issue-plot.jld", "gg", "e", "tt")
sub = 100
time = tt[1:sub:end]
v = e[2:end] |> collect
z = gg[1:sub:end,:]
import GR
x = linspace(time[1], time[end], 800)
y = linspace(v[1], v[end], 800)
z = GR.interp2(time, v, z, x, y)
heatmap(x, y, z', title=string("g(t,v) network for N =10000"))
Please be mindful that someone is offering to donate their time to investigate and fix a problem that doesn’t affect them, to benefit you. @jheinen is one of the more responsive and generous maintainers in the community.
(I was writing this when @jheinen then further proved my point. )
Sorry… I meant “Really?”, I did not choose my word carefully. I love GR, the only reason I don’t use it directly instead of Plots is because I use PlotlyJS sometimes for its interactive capabilities.