I’m facing a problem trying to plot from the REPL (that was working fine but for some reason has decided to stop doing so).
If I run this simple code:
julia> using Plots
julia> gr()
julia> x = Vector(1:pi/10:6*pi);
julia> y = cos.(x);
julia> plot(x, y)
The REPL will not return from the last sentence. However, the same does not occur running the same code in the jupyter-notebook in which the plot shows as expected.
Regarding the backend, using different backends leads different result: plotly calls the browser while pyplot behaves normally throwing just a standard plot window.
The issue seems to be solved after installing qt5-default.
The problem may have arisen after and upgrade in Debian testing. Not sure… the only related package that I see was install on 2020-05-07 is libqt5scripttools5.
Anyway, after installing qt5-default the plots are working normally using GR backend.