I am trying for gsoc this year in Julia projects in machine learning side. How can I get in touch with mentors?? And please guide me for my future steps.
For ML, the projects and mentors can be found here: Flux – Google Summer of Code
Thankyou sir , for replying I read that page but I was confused wheather I can directly contact you or not.
Thankyou sir, for replying . I read that page but was confused wheather I can directly contact you or not.
Sir honestly I am not very good in Julia programming. But I know about machine learning algorithm and can implement them from scratch in python. Can you guide me how can I make use to this time effectively?? And where should concentrate the most??
How can I get in touch with NLP mentors in Flux GSOC projects???
I tried through Flux – Google Summer of Code but since there was no reply I am asking here.
What do you want know?
I just wanted to have communication so that I may tell what I am doing and get some suggestions.