Google Summer of Code: Call for Projects

Hey all,

Org applications have just opened for GSoC 2017 and we’ll be applying, which means we have a shot at having some paid internships to work on Julia over the summer.

This is all very exciting, but we need your help! Before the application deadline on February 9th, we need to have a really great project list ready for students. Please check out the current list and think of projects that would be suitable for a student to work on over three months. It would be great to have some review of the current projects and filter out the ones that are no longer relevant, too (it’s both a blessing and a curse that I can no longer keep tabs on the whole ecosystem :slight_smile: ).

Note that our GSoC application is not intended just for the core language, but as an umbrella for the wider community as well. Projects on packages are very welcome; if you’re working on a niche package for computational mico-zoolanphology but have a great project idea for a student with the right skills, feel free to add it! It’s easy to edit any of the pages on the Julia website by clicking “edit this page” at the bottom.

Over the next few days I’ll send out more info on next steps for mentors and we’ll collectively figure out the application process.

Happy Hacking!
– Mike


How can we contact the mentors for the project ideas?

Probably easiest just to open an issue on the repository. Then you can discuss with multiple contributors more easily and get more input.

Thank you @ChrisRackauckas :slight_smile:

Hi guys,

I’m one of the students that for sure will apply for working with Julia during the summer! I have been trying it out now for a couple of months with MXNet and arrayfire and must say I’m really impressed with the simplicity and run speed. So I really hope it continues to grow! Besides university I’m working at a ML company called LakeTide where we all praise Julia very high.


I would be interested in mentoring a project related to machine learning, possibly involving extending TensorFlow.jl. Please email me at directly if you’re an interested GSOC student with a small abstract of a potential project.


What about a PR to the Julialang site for ML projects?