Finding Julia packages


Please tell me why the julia packages vanished?.
Thank you very much

Hi @Medaan_pack, welcome to the forum :smile:

Which packages?

Do you mean In which case, you’ll need to ask @djsegal. The source is available: GitHub - djsegal/julia_packages: Find your next Julia package 🎁


And if you want to search for Julia packages, use: JuliaHub

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I don’t know what is the problem, does not appear any thing except error
Thank you so much

Two questions:

  1. What are you trying to do?
  2. What is the full error message?
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Hello, the website for Julia packages will stay down ? You mentioned using JuliaHub package list but it misses sorting of packages which is why I always went to the other one.

Well, create an issue at GitHub · Where software is built and/ or make a donation to the author. There is a “Sponsor” link on the package page.