Find intersection between curves in julia

I have two curves with the values:

col_y = [8.02511788606e7, 9.98481296252e7, 2.328332483329e8, 6.148181496526e8, 9.453171952624e8, 1.2331292887706e9, 1.4394296796998e9, 1.460066157955e9, 1.3570403824485e9, 1.4269447174002e9]

vin_y = [1.434628836798e8, 1.318375623746e8, 1.108524843855e8, 6.91176196241e7, 4.19137382458e7, 1.48676444645e7, 1.00659726053e7, 7.8734512643e6]

Is it possible to find the intersection x between these two curves? what is the approach in julia?
Thank you

Do you have a model for what kind of curves these are (they look sigmoid, do you know what process generated them)? And is the x-scale the same or do they for instance span between the same limits (which is not the same thing since the number of elements is different)? Linear x-scale?

The reason you need to know is the answer will vary wildly depending on which way you interpret the question. A vector of values isn’t a function, in fact there is an uncountable infinity of functions which fit exactly.

The way I would do this is

  • Find an analytic function f_col, f_vin that fits each of the sample vectors (for instance using LsqFit.jl)
  • Form the function g(x) = f_col(x) - f_vin(x)
  • Find the zero(s) of g(x) (for instance using Roots.jl)

You have points, not curves. The names suggest they are y-values, but it’s not clear what the corresponding x-values are for each.

Plotting these by assuming x=1:10 for the first and x=1:8 for the second gives:


So there is an intersection just after x=2, but this is based on a linear interpolation between points which Plots does automatically. As Gustaphe says you might have some other function in mind to interpolate between the points, which will result in a different point of intersection.

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For this problem, Dierckx is just fine:

using Dierckx
n = length(vin_y)
spl = Spline1D(1:n, col_y[1:n] - vin_y)
x0 = roots(spl)   # 2.4181
y0 = Spline1D(1:n, vin_y)(x0)  # 1.2583e8


Thanks for the answers. I made a model, but it does not exactly fit the data:

Thus, I wanted to check the time difference of intersection between the actual data and the model…
I’ll check the suggestions.

Here’s my way. I have an experimental version of LsqFit installed, so there will be a slight difference in syntax, but I just realized I’m in a bit of a hurry so I won’t fix that.

using Plots, LsqFit, Roots
default(;fontfamily="Computer Modern", label=nothing, seriestype=:scatter) # Better plot defaults
x_1 = 1:10
x_2 = 1:8
y_1 = [8.02511788606e7, 9.98481296252e7, 2.328332483329e8, 6.148181496526e8, 9.453171952624e8, 1.2331292887706e9, 1.4394296796998e9, 1.460066157955e9, 1.3570403824485e9, 1.4269447174002e9]
y_2 = [1.434628836798e8, 1.318375623746e8, 1.108524843855e8, 6.91176196241e7, 4.19137382458e7, 1.48676444645e7, 1.00659726053e7, 7.8734512643e6]
model(x, p) = 1e9*p[1]/(1+exp(-(x-p[2])/p[3])) # logistic function
f_1 = curve_fit(model, x_1, y_1, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
f_2 = curve_fit(model, x_2, y_2, [1e-1, 1.0, -1.0])
x_long = range(0.5,10.5;length=200)
pl_1 = plot(x_1, y_1)
plot!(pl_1, x_2, y_2)
plot!(pl_1, x_long, model.(x_long,Ref(f_1.param)); st=:line)
plot!(pl_1, x_long, model.(x_long,Ref(f_2.param)); st=:line)
g(x) = model(x, f_1.param) - model(x, f_2.param)
pl_2 = plot(g, x_long, st=:line)
plot(pl_1, pl_2; layout=(2,1)
find_zero(g, 2.0) # returns ~ 2.27


If you want the intersection between the actual data series, the answer is there is none. None of your sample points measure the same amount of bacteria of the two species.

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Thank you!
the Dierckx solution worked out of the box. By using the actual x values (sorry, I forgot to add them originally)

x = [0.0, 6.465599999999999, 12.544800000000002, 24.0, 29.107200000000002,  45.772800000000004, 53.392799999999994, 68.0616]

I got the exact intersection:

The more canonical solution by gustaphe is giving me troubles. The definition of the model is very similar to the model I have set:

model = true_logistic(x, p) = p[1] ./ (1 .+ exp.(-p[2].*(x.-p[3])))

that is a logistic regression but I set 1 instead of 1e9. When I define g and find_zero:

julia> g(x) = model(col_x[1:8], P_col) - model(col_x[1:8], P_vin)
g (generic function with 1 method)

julia> find_zero(g, col_x[2])
ERROR: Roots.ConvergenceFailed("Stopped")
 [1] find_zero(fs::Function, x0::Float64, M::Secant, N::AlefeldPotraShi; p::Nothing, tracks::Roots.NullTracks, verbose::Bool, kwargs::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{}, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}})
   @ Roots ~/.julia/packages/Roots/H7pXT/src/order0.jl:57
 [2] #find_zero#52
   @ ~/.julia/packages/Roots/H7pXT/src/order0.jl:37 [inlined]
 [3] find_zero
   @ ~/.julia/packages/Roots/H7pXT/src/order0.jl:35 [inlined]
 [4] #find_zero#16
   @ ~/.julia/packages/Roots/H7pXT/src/find_zero.jl:704 [inlined]
 [5] find_zero(f::Function, x0::Float64)
   @ Roots ~/.julia/packages/Roots/H7pXT/src/find_zero.jl:704
 [6] top-level scope
   @ none:1

julia> find_zero(g, 2.0)
ERROR: Roots.ConvergenceFailed("Stopped")
 [1] find_zero(fs::Function, x0::Float64, M::Secant, N::AlefeldPotraShi; p::Nothing, tracks::Roots.NullTracks, verbose::Bool, kwargs::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{}, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}})
   @ Roots ~/.julia/packages/Roots/H7pXT/src/order0.jl:57
 [2] #find_zero#52
   @ ~/.julia/packages/Roots/H7pXT/src/order0.jl:37 [inlined]
 [3] find_zero
   @ ~/.julia/packages/Roots/H7pXT/src/order0.jl:35 [inlined]
 [4] #find_zero#16
   @ ~/.julia/packages/Roots/H7pXT/src/find_zero.jl:704 [inlined]
 [5] find_zero(f::Function, x0::Float64)
   @ Roots ~/.julia/packages/Roots/H7pXT/src/find_zero.jl:704
 [6] top-level scope
   @ none:1

What am I getting wrong?

Likely you have a bad starting point. With only 1 intersection you should be able to use a bracketing method: find_zero(g, 1, 50)

The reason I multiplied by 1e9 is that LsqFit (and any fitting method) is better at finding similarly sized parameters, so I scaled up the model so we can expect p.≈1.0.

Your problem is in the definition of g. It needs to depend on x, not col_x.

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Ah, so simple. It worked!

julia> g(x) = model(x, P_col) - model(x, P_vin)
g (generic function with 1 method)

julia> find_zero(g, col_x[2])

Thank you

Glad it worked out!

Can I ask what function you’re fitting to in the figure? Because the logistic function seems like a better fit, and from the little I know of microbiology it’s not an unreasonable model, so it seems a little strange to only use the better fit to verify the worse.

Hi, it is the true_logistic; I see that does not fit the data completely but it is the same model that I used for another group of bacteria (where it was more fitting). For consistency, I am sticking to this…

Ah okay, I missed the log axis. The fit is decent :slight_smile: