How do I find the intercept of two functions? I thought it would be something simple like findall(in(a), b)
but this gives me Vector{Int64} with 0 elements
attack_max2 = 0.90
attack_min2 = 0.52
β_V2 = 2.0
b0V2 = 16.0
Bi = collect(0.1:0.1:200.0)
# clearance scenarios
demand = @. 1.0/((1.0/(attack_max2 + attack_min2))*Bi^β_V2/(b0V2^β_V2+Bi^β_V2)+1/attack_max2)
boom = @. (attack_max2 - attack_min2)*Bi^β_V2/(b0V2^β_V2+Bi^β_V2)+attack_min2
findall(in(demand), boom)
I know the overlap because the plot looks like
_, i = findmin(abs.(demand-boom))
[Bi[i] demand[i] boom[i]]
June 4, 2020, 11:11am
With the approach in this code, it will be very improbable to find an exact match between the curves. Mattrik’s reply works but the approach is very inefficient. You need a root finding algorithm (noting that the difference between the curves is zero iff they have the same value). Bisection or Newton’s method are good starting points.
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I am open to suggestions on code as I am not hard set on it. I just did it that way because I thought it would work.
It’s basically function demand(Bi*) = function boom(Bi*) where Bi* is the intercept, but I don’t know how to do that in Julia.
attack_max2 = 0.90
attack_min2 = 0.52
β_V2 = 2.0
b0V2 = 16.0
# clearance scenarios
demand_func(x) = 1.0/((1.0/(attack_max2 + attack_min2))*x^β_V2/(b0V2^β_V2+x^β_V2)+1/attack_max2)
boom_func(x) = (attack_max2 - attack_min2)*x^β_V2/(b0V2^β_V2+x^β_V2)+attack_min2
myfunc(x) = demand_func(x) - boom_func(x)
# julia> [myfunc(0),myfunc(50)]
# 2-element Array{Float64,1}:
# 0.3799999999999999
# -0.29324849299165867
SideStep(num) = num >= 0 ? 1 : -1
function BiSector(func::Function,x0,x1,maxdepth::Int64=1024,debugflag::Bool=false)
fx0 = func(x0)
fx1 = func(x1)
if SideStep(func(x0)) * SideStep(func(x1)) == 1
return "Error: f(x0) and f(x1) must be opposite signs"
depth = 0
lowerx = x0
upperx = x1
lowervalue = fx0
uppervalue = fx1
while true
midpointx = (lowerx + upperx) * 0.5
if depth >= maxdepth
return midpointx
lowsign = SideStep(lowervalue)
upsign = SideStep(uppervalue)
if lowsign*upsign == 1 || lowerx == midpointx || midpointx == upperx
return midpointx
midpointvalue = func(midpointx)
midsign = SideStep(midpointvalue)
if midsign == upsign
upperx = midpointx
uppervalue = midpointvalue
lowerx = midpointx
lowervalue = midpointvalue
if debugflag
println(" depth = ",depth," lowerx = ",lowerx," upperx = ",upperx)
depth += 1
println("solution is ",BiSector(myfunc,0.0,50.0))
Starting Julia...
_ _ _(_)_ | Documentation:
(_) | (_) (_) |
_ _ _| |_ __ _ | Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
| | | | | | |/ _` | |
| | |_| | | | (_| | | Version 1.4.2 (2020-05-23)
_/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_| | Official release
|__/ |
solution is 14.851477511590069
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You can use Roots.jl package.
using Roots
const attack_max2 = 0.90
const attack_min2 = 0.52
const β_V2 = 2.0
const b0V2 = 16.0
demand(x) = 1.0/((1.0/(attack_max2 + attack_min2))*x^β_V2/(b0V2^β_V2+x^β_V2)+1/attack_max2)
boom(x) = (attack_max2 - attack_min2)*x^β_V2/(b0V2^β_V2+x^β_V2)+attack_min2
delta(x) = demand(x) - boom(x)
find_zero(delta, (0.1, 200.0), Bisection())
# 14.851477511590069
Or you can use Newton method
using ForwardDiff
D(f) = x -> ForwardDiff.derivative(f, float(x))
find_zero((delta,D(delta)), 10, Roots.Newton())
# 14.851477511590062
More details can be found in package itself.
Hello, I thought this was the answer but looking at the value, the intercept cannot be 14.851477511590069
or 14.851477511590062
since demand(x)
and boom(x)
never go over 1.0
HA, that is the x intercept… I am a silly goose.