Error on package registration: ERROR: Tag with a different commit already exists for the version mentioned in (Julia)Project.toml

I am trying to register my package GitHub - Paalon/Waveforms.jl at v0.1.0 to General, but I can’t understand the meaning of this registering error: ERROR: Tag with a different commit already exists for the version mentioned in (Julia)Project.toml in the registrator. I have used Example.jl as a reference to set up the format.

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I should not make git tag manually?

No, use GitHub - JuliaRegistries/TagBot: Creates tags, releases, and changelogs for your Julia packages when they're registered

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I have set the file .github/workflows/TagBot.yml and I have submitted my package and it has been included into the General repository but the tag and the release was not created. TagBot seems not work. Should I make the tag manually and what should I do to correctly set up the TagBot?