Error on installation packages


I cannot install new packages with error:

curl_multi_socket_action: 8
@ Downloads.Curl /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/julia-1.6.3/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.6/Downloads/src/Curl/utils.jl:36

It’s bothering me. How can I fix this problem?

Julia Version: 1.6.3



we probably need more information to diagnose this

all the way from julia> ] to julia>

or everything from the julia>import Pkg; Pkg.add( to julia>

I believe this bug might be fixed in 1.6.4 or 1.6.5. Make sure you use the latest version, bugs are fixed all the time!


I have tried both these two ways to install packages. They demonstrate the same problem.

What you are not doing, is demonstrating it to us

the last version of openSUSE official software source offered is 1.6.3

Only these two lines error message.

curl_multi_socket_action: 8
@ Downloads.Curl /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/julia-1.6.3/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.6/Downloads/src/Curl/utils.jl:36

No more information I got.

Julia binary builds are available from

This is probably the one you need:

64-bit (glibc)

They can be unzipped in your $HOME and don’t need root (although I put mine in /opt )

I think I had that error before, and I ended up erasing the Julia installation (and the .julia directory), and installing it again.