ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: invalid index: :Position of type Symbol

I’m trying to import a csv file using CSV.File, but I keep getting this error

here are my paths

# path_skaters is a string that gives the path to the csv file with the skaters information (see example file for suggested format)

path_skaters = "/Users/aus10/Fantasy-Hockey-IP-Code/example_skaters.csv"

# path_goalies is a string that gives the path to the csv file with the goalies information (see example file for suggested format)

path_goalies = "/Users/aus10/Fantasy-Hockey-IP-Code/example_goalies.csv"

and here’s where I’m using it

skaters = CSV.File(path_skaters; delim=',')

# Load information for goalies table
goalies = CSV.File(path_goalies; delim=',')

what am I do wrong?