Documenter to github pages: build successful and pushed but page does not exist

I am trying to push documentation for a package I wrote (currently not registered) to github pages. So far I:

When I push a commit to the main branch, the actions seem to be triggered, and I see that all checks are passing:

In addition, according to Github, everything was successfully deployed—it even provides me to a link where I can see the documentation:

However, the link that is provided gives me a 404 error. I’ve seen some people saying that it can take up to 30 minutes to see changes, but in my case I’ve been trying for hours. I’m especially confused by Github thinking the deployment was successful, as most people with similar issues seem to have a problem there.

Could anyone please provide me with suggestions?
Thanks very much!

P.S.—I’m not sure if this is relevant, but the organization to which I am pushing has its own github pages website: GitHub - sahu-lab/ lab website
Moreover, this site has its own Github action for rendering Pluto notebooks, which also uses the gh-pages branch. I only bring this up in case there is a possibility of conflict between the two. Thanks again!

Update: I resolved the issue. In case anyone in the future is similarly struggling, the following solution worked for me.

^ I simply set my repo pages source to be the root folder, and not the /docs folder. Go to <repo_url>/settings/pages to make the change (ignore the branch name gh-doc-pages, you should be able to use the default gh-pages option):