I’ve been away from Julia since the 0.3 days but am trying to get back into the flow. The repo I’m having trouble with is CITIfile.jl.
This is my first experience with Documenter. I have successfully generated the HTML documentation locally using make.jl
and I have attempted to follow all of the instructions listed in the Documenter docs for hosting the documentation at Github, including creating a deploy key documenter
, and a secret key DOCUMENTER_KEY
. I see the documentation build run successfully on Travis, but there is no gh-pages
branch created and clicking on the documentation badge takes me to a “404 file not found” page.
One question I have that isn’t addressed in the docs is which directory to specify in the Github project settings under Settings->Options->Github Pages->Source. My two choices from the drop-down menu are “Master Branch” or “Master Branch/docs folder”. I’ve tried both of these choices with the same results as described above.
Thanks in advance for any help with this.
@PeterSimon I think you have not activate in Setting of the Github page the
GitHub Pages, indicating the gh-pages branch in the Source option. I suppose other options could work also, but I always set it.
Has you checked the Travis? DOCUMENTER_KEY must be set as an environment variable in the Travis setting, not as a secret key in Github. In the log of travis you can see if there is any problem deploying the documentation.
The address in Source is not working, it is normal, have you append the /dev/ path? For instance, in my last package, the Setting say that the Github page will be at https://dmolina.github.io/SimpleTranslations.jl/ but actually Home · SimpleTranslations.jl is the url that works. Check the URL in the documentation badge (sometime I have to add the last “/”).
If you need more help, please, do not hesitate in ask again. I recently had to “fight” the Documenter, and I would like to help you.
Thanks for taking a look.
I think you have not activate in Setting of the Github page the
GitHub Pages, indicating the gh-pages branch in the Source option
I have indeed enabled Github Pages in the repo settings. I cannot select “gh-pages” as the source option, because the source options are presented in a drop-down menu that only allows selecting “master branch”, “master branch/docs folder”, or “None-Disable Github Pages”. As I stated above, I’ve tried both of the first two selections.
The address in Source is not working, it is normal, have you append the /dev/ path?
I can type CITIfile.jl · CITIfile directly into my browser address bar and I still get the “404 file not found” page.
Perhaps I am misunderstanding your directions, I’m happy to try something else.
If the deploy of the documentation did not work, gh-pages is not created. Check the Travis log, and see the problem. I suggest to check if DOCUMENTER_KEY was defined as environment variable in the Travis setting, because usually that is the problem.
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Thanks, you nailed the problem. After adding the environment variable on Travis, the build and deployment proceeded without problem. The link in the documentation badge was still not working, but upon re-checking the Github Pages options in the repo settings, I found that the Source drop-down menu now includes “gh-pages branch”. Selecting this option then results in everything working correctly
. Thanks for your help and your patience in having to give me the same instructions twice