Hi all,
I am trying my best to move over to Documenter from simple .md files and I have been struggling with the (seemingly) last few steps to get it up and running. When using documenter, I cannot generate the Travis keys as similarly mentioned in this thread.
I have so far:
– pip installed mkdocs and verified cmd-> mkdocs builds locally
I have even used mkdocs gh-deploy to get something up and working.
–I cannot find the thread again, but somewhere I found a thread that mentioned you have to download Ruby, which I did from here and run gem install travis.
– I have also tried commenting out the ~4 which blah
statements in my downloaded, to no success.
– I am usually using Github for Desktop (the GUI), which comes with a GitShell utility. I wasn’t sure if that was different than pure Git, so I also installed just Git. Although I can do GitShell → ssh- genkey which generates files fine
I’ve probably seen other pertinent threads on documenter but all the my links are purple right now so I can’t tell anything apart.
So I guess my question is: is this some windows issue or just something else and how do I get around it? I have never heard of which
, and googling lead me to this.
julia> using Documenter
julia> Travis.genkeys("ForestBiometrics")
ERROR: could not spawn `which which`: no such file or directory (ENOENT)
[1] _jl_spawn(::String, ::Array{String,1}, ::Ptr{Void}, ::Base.Process, ::Base.DevNullStream, ::Base.DevNullStream, ::Base.DevNullStream) at .\process.jl:360
[2] #375 at .\process.jl:512 [inlined]
[3] setup_stdio(::Base.##375#376{Cmd}, ::Tuple{Base.DevNullStream,Base.DevNullStream,Base.DevNullStream}) at .\process.jl:499
[4] #spawn#374(::Nullable{Base.ProcessChain}, ::Function, ::Cmd, ::Tuple{Base.DevNullStream,Base.DevNullStream,Base.DevNullStream}) at .\process.jl:511
[5] (::Base.#kw##spawn)(::Array{Any,1}, ::Base.#spawn, ::Cmd, ::Tuple{Base.DevNullStream,Base.DevNullStream,Base.DevNullStream}) at .\<missing>:0
[6] #genkeys#1(::String, ::Function, ::String) at C:\Users\XXX\.julia\v0.6\Documenter\src\Documenter.jl:616
[7] genkeys(::String) at C:\Users\XXXX\.julia\v0.6\Documenter\src\Documenter.jl:616