I’m trying to create my first package (using pkgtemplate) but am running into problems generating the documentation using Documenter. I’ve generated ssh keys using DocumenterTools and have stuck them in the indicated place. But the documentation deployment process spits out the following message. What is going wrong here?
Thanks @lmiq . I followed steps 1-3 (again) and the same problem arises. As for step 4, there currently are no tags. Could that be the problem? What role do those tags play?
That RSA key thing isn’t actually an issue, your docs are pushed just fine now. GH Pages sometimes takes a long time to deploy the first version of docs, or your repo settings might be incorrect for GH Pages. Either way you no longer have a Documenter.jl problem.
Edit: You did have the “invalid format” error in your first screenshots, and cycling your keys appears to have fixed that.