Documenter.jl pages aren't being updated

Hi everyone.

I am writing documentation for the package I am developing. After some point the changes I am making aren’t loaded to github pages stable version altough they are reflected in the /dev/ link.

I can see the changes in the following link (/dev):

but not in the following one:

Can anyone tell how should I fix this?

You probably need to create a new tag and release: Publish Docs · JuliaNotes.jl

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The stable version is always reflecting your last registered version, which in your case seems to be the 0.3 you published a few days ago?

the dev version is the status of the docs from the last commit on your master branch reflected.

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You don’t need necessarily to register a new version to update the docs, you need to tag and release a new version with the same version.

That worked. Many thanks.

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