Documenter.jl - Docs empty unless manually created? Old references to moved functions?

Thank you! It appears a lot has changed since I last configured this.

So far I’ve done the following to address these suggestions:

  1. I set up a gh-pages
  2. Added deploy docs line
  3. Removed environment stuff from make.jl
  4. Updated the travis.yml to mirror the one in the docs. Ie:
        - julia --project=docs/ -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.develop(PackageSpec(path=pwd()));
        - julia --project=docs/ docs/make.jl
      after_success: skip

but now I’m getting an error:(Travis CI - Test and Deploy Your Code with Confidence)

julia --project=docs/ docs/make.jl

ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: Package Documenter not found in current path:

- Run `import Pkg; Pkg.add("Documenter")` to install the Documenter package.

Without those environment things in my make.jl Travis can’t find Documenter? Any advice.