How can I find the reason why docs aren't deployed?


I’m now working on a new package Automa.jl and struggling to deploy docs on GitHub pages using Documenter.jl. I read the manual of Documenter.jl and I believe it was properly configured. However, all TravisCI build jobs skip the deployment of its docs. Here is the latest build on Travis CI: Travis CI - Test and Deploy Your Code with Confidence. I think, by default, Documenter.jl will choose Linux OS on the nightly build for deployment but the build log says it is skipped. I have no clue to diagnose the reason why this happens here. Docs deployment works properly on other my packages.

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You can set an environment variable in your travis.yml file to give information on why deployment didn’t trigger. Here’s an example:

Here’s an example where that successfully deployed:

Here is the logic for deployment:


Thank you! Really helpful information.

I took a look and it seems resolved right?

Yes, this and this solved my problem.

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Thanks. That’s what I thought.

I had a similar problem a couple of weeks before.