- """
- Main module for `Documenter.jl` -- a documentation generation package for Julia.
- Two functions are exported from this module for public use:
- - [`makedocs`](@ref). Generates documentation from docstrings and templated markdown files.
- - [`deploydocs`](@ref). Deploys generated documentation from *Travis-CI* to *GitHub Pages*.
- # Exports
- """
- module Documenter
- import AbstractTrees
- import Downloads
- import IOCapture
- import Markdown
- using MarkdownAST: MarkdownAST, Node
- import REPL
- import Unicode
- import Pkg
- import RegistryInstances
- # Additional imported names
- using Test: @testset, @test
- using DocStringExtensions
- using Base64: base64decode
- # Version number of Documenter itself
- project = joinpath(dirname(dirname(pathof(Documenter))), "Project.toml")
- Base.include_dependency(project) # Retrigger precompilation when Project.toml changes
- toml = read(project, String)
- m = match(r"(*ANYCRLF)^version\s*=\s\"(.*)\"$"m, toml)
- VersionNumber(m[1])
- end
- # Potentially sensitive variables to be removed from environment when not needed
- const NO_KEY_ENV = Dict(
- "DOCUMENTER_KEY" => nothing,
- )
- # Names of possible internal errors
- const ERROR_NAMES = [:autodocs_block, :cross_references, :docs_block, :doctest,
- :eval_block, :example_block, :footnote, :linkcheck_remotes, :linkcheck,
- :meta_block, :missing_docs, :parse_error, :setup_block]
- """
- abstract type Plugin end
- Any plugin that needs to either solicit user input or store information in a
- [`Document`](@ref) should create a subtype of `Plugin`, i.e., `T <: DocumenterPlugin`.
- Initialized objects of type `T` can be elements of the list of `plugins` passed as a
- keyword argument to [`makedocs`](@ref).
- A plugin may retrieve the existing object holding its state via the
- [`Documenter.getplugin`](@ref) function. Alternatively, `getplugin` can also instantiate
- `T()` on demand, if there is no existing object. This requires that `T` implements an empty
- constructor `T()`.
- """
- abstract type Plugin end
- abstract type Writer end
- include("utilities/DOM.jl")
- include("utilities/JSDependencies.jl")
- include("utilities/MDFlatten.jl")
- include("utilities/Remotes.jl")
- include("utilities/Selectors.jl")
- include("utilities/TextDiff.jl")
- include("utilities/utilities.jl")
- include("DocMeta.jl")
- include("DocSystem.jl")
- include("anchors.jl")
- include("documents.jl")
- include("expander_pipeline.jl")
- include("doctests.jl")
- include("builder_pipeline.jl")
- include("cross_references.jl")
- include("docchecks.jl")
- include("writers.jl")
- include("html/HTMLWriter.jl")
- include("latex/LaTeXWriter.jl")
- # This is to keep DocumenterTools working:
- module Writers
- import ..HTMLWriter
- end
- import .HTMLWriter: HTML, asset
- import .HTMLWriter.RD: KaTeX, MathJax, MathJax2, MathJax3
- import .LaTeXWriter: LaTeX
- # User Interface.
- # ---------------
- export makedocs, deploydocs, hide, doctest, DocMeta, asset, Remotes,
- KaTeX, MathJax, MathJax2, MathJax3
- include("makedocs.jl")
- include("deployconfig.jl")
- include("deploydocs.jl")
- include("doctest.jl")
- import PrecompileTools
- PrecompileTools.@compile_workload begin
- include("docs_precompile/make.jl")
- end
- end # module