Displaying program generated markdown

Apologies if this is an obvious question…

I have a function that generates a big chunk of markdown with embedded newline characters. A simple version would be:

function makemd()
	md"# HELLO\n## Some\n	* list\n* list\n"	

That produces a string that prints correctly in the repl, but of course you can’t print to Pluto. So, how can I get the output to render nicely in Pluto, as when you simply type in a chunk of markdown? At present I just see the raw string, with the "\n"s embedded in it.


This works:

function makemd()
	md"""# HELLO
	## Some
	* list
	* list"""	


Looks like the md macro automatically escapes \n.

Hi Lungbenm

Indeed that does work, but unfortunately it’s not possible for me to produce my markdown in that way: I’m actually producing quite big md tables line-by-line. Sorry if my example was misleading.


You can use Markdown.parse:

function makemd()
	Markdown.parse("# HELLO\n## Some\n	* list\n* list\n")

When str is a string of markdown code, Markdown.parse(str) and @eval @md_str $str work fine.

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That’s brilliant; worked perfectly. Many thanks, both.


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Hello. Apologies if this has in some way made easier, but the accepted solution does not seem to work anymore. I’ll be most grateful for any help I can get.


	str = "| a | b |\n"
	str *= "| - | - |\n"
	for ind in 1:10
		str *= "| $(ind) | $(2*ind) |\n"
	@eval @md_str $str

and the output I get

For some reason it seems that Markdown.parse requires at least three dashes (---) per column. Maybe file an issue to change that, or a PR to document this behavior…

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Thank you so much! That is amazing :slight_smile:

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