Dictionary for random effects in MultiLevel.jl model

Coming from an R background and lme4. I have 210 market_no’s and I’m fitting a logistic regression with a varying intercept on market_no’s. I can’t seem to find the match between the market_no’s and the fit random effects. Does anyone know if there’s a dictionary in MixedModels.jl or how it orders the random effects column? In R it’s just the ordering of the levels in the factor.

using MixedModels
propensity =  fit(GeneralizedLinearMixedModel, @formula(exposure_flag ~ 1 + hrs + (1 |market_no)), data, Bernoulli())

ran_ef = ranef(propensity)[1]

julia> ran_ef
1×210 Array{Float64,2}:
 0.175225  0.00431493  0.0471093  -0.0464407  -0.50483  0.0908781  0.134034  -0.265099  -0.0321225  0.055499  0.55636  -0.395267  …  -0.30837  -0.157295  -0.328563  -0.157659  -0.00782337  -0.0862638  -0.137914  -0.237887  -0.456184  0.00809435  -0.202609

raneftables will give things in a nice tabular format, including labels of the levels