I think the easiest way to obtain these arrays is to create the LinearMixedModel
object and extract the properties
julia> using MixedModels, RCall
julia> m1 = LinearMixedModel(@formula(height ~ 1 + age + (1|Subject)), rcopy(R"nlme::Oxboys"));
julia> propertynames(m1)
(:formula, :sqrtwts, :A, :L, :optsum, :θ, :theta, :β, :beta, :λ, :lambda, :stderror, :σ, :sigma, :b, :u, :lowerbd, :X, :y, :rePCA, :reterms, :feterms, :objective, :pvalues)
julia> typeof(m1.y) # y as a vector
julia> typeof(m1.X) # X as a two-column matrix
julia> typeof(Matrix(first(m1.reterms))) # Z as a dense matrix (it is not actually used in this form)
You can obtain the grouping factor, Subject
in this case, for the random effects term by taking apart the CategoricalTerm
in the first of the reterms
. (This is the only reterm
in this case but the design allows for multiple random effects terms.) If you just want the indices into the levels you can get them explicitly as the refs
julia> propertynames(first(m1.reterms))
(:trm, :refs, :cnames, :z, :wtz, :λ, :inds, :adjA, :scratch)
julia> typeof(first(m1.reterms).refs)
julia> typeof(first(m1.reterms).trm)
To get the levels you must take apart the trm
julia> propertynames(first(m1.reterms).trm)
(:sym, :contrasts)
julia> propertynames(first(m1.reterms).trm.contrasts)
(:matrix, :termnames, :levels, :contrasts, :invindex)
I realize I may not be answering the question that you intended. If you want to find out how the random-effects terms are parsed then you should look at https://github.com/JuliaStats/MixedModels.jl/blob/master/src/randomeffectsterm.jl