My manual Fixed/Random Effects Model perform weirdly


I am trying to make manual code for the Fixed/Random Effects model estimation to understand how the process works.
However, my manual codes for both models never reject the null for the fake data set.
I want to ask for people’s advice here.
My codes are as follows (the first one is the Random effects model, and then the fixed effects model).

    SubjectID, DecisionID, Constant, Treatment, SessionID, SwitchPoint, Gender, Complexity = environment();
    ObservationID = repeat([1:1:90;],n_s); # needed to fit into the panel data setting
    X = [Constant Treatment SessionID SwitchPoint Gender Complexity];
    β = [1.0; 0.75; 0.0; 0.01; 0.0; -0.1]; n_β = length(β);
    β̂_Mat = zeros(n_β,rep_time);
    p_val_Mat_RE = zeros(n_β,rep_time);
    for s = 1:rep_time
        ϵ = rand(Normal(0,7.5),n_i*n_t);u = repeat(rand(Normal(0,7.5),n_s),inner=n_i_per_s);
        Choice = X * β + ϵ + u; df=(;Choice,Treatment,SessionID, SwitchPoint, Gender, Complexity,SubjectID,ObservationID);
        lm_POLS = reg(df, @formula(Choice~Treatment+SessionID+SwitchPoint+Gender+Complexity));
        v̂ = residuals(lm_POLS,df);
        σ̂_v = sqrt(sum(v̂.^2)/(n_i*n_t-n_β));
        sum_of_cross_product = 0;
        for i = 1:n_s, j = 1:(n_i_per_s-1), k = (j+1):n_i_per_s
            sum_of_cross_product = sum_of_cross_product+v̂[n_i_per_s*(i-1)+j]*v̂[n_i_per_s*(i-1)+k]
        σ̂_u = sqrt(sum_of_cross_product/(n_s*n_i_per_s*(n_i_per_s-1)/2-n_β))
        σ̂_ϵ = sqrt(σ̂_v^2 - σ̂_u^2)
        Ω̂_s  = σ̂_u^2 .* ones(n_i_per_s,n_i_per_s) .+ Diagonal(fill(σ̂_ϵ^2,n_i_per_s)); # covariance structure for each session
        Ω̂  = kron(Diagonal(ones(n_s)),Ω̂_s); # covariance structure for the whole session
        β̂_RE  = inv(X' * inv(Ω̂ ) * X) * X' * inv(Ω̂ ) * Choice;
        resid_RE = Choice .- X * β̂_RE;
        V̂_RE =  inv(X' * inv(Ω̂ ) * X) .* σ̂_ϵ^2;
        t_val_vec_RE = β̂_RE ./ sqrt.(diag(V̂_RE))
        for l = 1:n_β
            p_val_Mat_RE[l,s] = ifelse(t_val_vec_RE[l]>0, 1-pnorm_std(t_val_vec_RE[l])+pnorm_std(-t_val_vec_RE[l]), pnorm_std(t_val_vec_RE[l])+1-pnorm_std(-t_val_vec_RE[l]));
        β̂_Mat[:,s] = β̂_RE
    bias = median(β̂_Mat, dims = 2) .- β;
    power_β̂_RE = sum(p_val_Mat_RE.<0.05, dims=2)./rep_time
    return β̂_Mat, bias, power_β̂_RE 

@time β̂_Mat3c, bias3c, power3c =Third_c_manual(100)

println(DataFrame(bias = vec(bias3c), power = vec(power3c)))
    SubjectID, DecisionID, Constant, Treatment, SessionID, SwitchPoint, Gender, Complexity = environment();
    ObservationID = repeat([1:1:90;],n_s); # needed to fit into the panel data setting
    X = [Constant Treatment SessionID SwitchPoint Gender Complexity];
    β = [1.0; 0.75; 0.0; 0.01; 0.0; -0.1]; n_β = length(β);
    β̂_Mat = zeros(n_β,rep_time);
    p_val_Mat_FE = zeros(n_β,rep_time); 
    for s = 1:rep_time
        ϵ = rand(Normal(0,7.5),n_i*n_t);u = repeat(rand(Normal(0,7.5),n_s),inner=n_i_per_s);
        Choice = X * β + ϵ + u;
        I_s = ones(n_i_per_s)
        M_s = Diagonal(I_s) .- I_s * I_s' ./ (I_s'*I_s) # demean operator for a session
        M = kron(Diagonal(ones(n_s)),M_s) # demean operator for all sessions
        A = Symmetric(X' * M * X)
        β̂_FE = inv(A) * X' * M * Choice
        resid_FE = Choice .- X * β̂_FE
        part_resid_FE = collect(Iterators.partition(resid_FE,n_i_per_s)); # partitioning the residuals wrt clusters
        part_X = [X[i:min(i+n_i_per_s-1,n_i*n_t),:] for i in 1:n_i_per_s:(n_i*n_t)]; # partitioning the covariates wrt clusters
        Ω̂  = zeros(n_β,n_β);
        for j = 1:n_s
            X_g = part_X[j]
            resid_g = part_resid_FE[j]
            Ω̂  = Ω̂  + X_g' * resid_g * resid_g' * X_g
        V̂_FE = inv(A) * Ω̂ * inv(A)
        β̂_Mat[:,s] = β̂_FE
        t_val_vec_FE = β̂_FE ./ sqrt.(diag(V̂_FE))
        for l = 1:n_β
        p_val_Mat_FE[l,s] = ifelse(t_val_vec_FE[l]>0, 1-pnorm_std(t_val_vec_FE[l])+pnorm_std(-t_val_vec_FE[l]), pnorm_std(t_val_vec_FE[l])+1-pnorm_std(-t_val_vec_FE[l]));
    bias = median(β̂_Mat, dims = 2) .- β;
    power_β̂_FE = sum(p_val_Mat_FE.<0.05, dims=2)./rep_time
    return β̂_Mat, bias, power_β̂_FE 

@time β̂_Mat3d_FEpack, bias3d_FEpack, power3d_FEpack =Third_d_manual(100)

println(DataFrame(bias = vec(bias3d_FEpack), power = vec(power3d_FEpack)))