"dev" version of docs not published

For some reason the dev version of the docs of one of my packages is not being published (Overview Β· CellListMap.jl)

Some other packages do publish dev versions, and I have copied the ci.yml files from one to the other. Any idea what may be the issue?


Looking at your CI logs,

β”Œ Info: Deployment criteria for deploying devbranch build from GitHub Actions:
β”‚ - βœ” ENV["GITHUB_REPOSITORY"]="m3g/CellListMap.jl" occurs in repo="github.com/m3g/CellListMap.jl.git"
β”‚ - βœ” ENV["GITHUB_EVENT_NAME"]="push" is "push"
β”‚ - ✘ ENV["GITHUB_REF"] matches devbranch="master"
β”‚ - βœ” ENV["GITHUB_ACTOR"] exists and is non-empty
β”‚ - βœ” ENV["DOCUMENTER_KEY"] exists and is non-empty
β”” Deploying: ✘
β”Œ Warning: Possible deploydocs() misconfiguration: main vs master
β”‚ Documenter's configured primary development branch (`devbranch`) is "master", but the
β”‚ current branch (from $GITHUB_REF) is "main". This can happen because Documenter uses
β”‚ GitHub's old default primary branch name as the default value for `devbranch`.
β”‚ If your primary development branch is 'main', you must explicitly pass `devbranch = "main"`
β”‚ to deploydocs.
β”‚ See #1443 for more discussion: https://github.com/JuliaDocs/Documenter.jl/issues/1443
β”” @ Documenter ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/qdbx6/src/deployconfig.jl:398

Thanks, didn’t occur to me looking at the logs, because the CI run passed without errors…

Yeah, that seems like it should be an error rather than a warning…

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