Debugging in Julia for newbies

Today or tomorrow, probably.


to pfitzseb
I wonder if there are some reasons against more tight integration the debugger into ide in nearest futureā€¦for (at the first sight) it seems is not difficult probem to implement the steps you wrote before(plus wrapping currently active script into a temporary function) in the IDE plugin.


I am using the new Juno. You seem to say that Revise is not needed anymore. However, I have difficulty setting up breakpoints. Do you still have to use includet?

You donā€™t. You have to make sure youā€™re on the right version of Atom.jl though (v0.8.7), which was hard to get yesterday because of some dependency problems with Revise.


Pfiouā€¦ thatā€™s so coooool

Are there any updates on the vscode debugger or is it still not at the same level as Juno yet?

Iā€™m not aware of any progress, but perhaps the VSCode developers will correct me.

I found this post: Debugging Julia - #22 by davidanthoff
but donā€™t know if anyone actually picked it up.